Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 29...3 wishes

OMG....I am almost done with this challenge! It has only taken me 7 months to complete a 30 day challenge. But my computer is now fixed, and I am home for an entire week, so here comes day 29.

My 3 wishes
1. A cure for all diseases in the world.
2. Every child has the ability to read, and all children have access to education.
3. Lower Gas Prices.

can't forget world peace!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 28 (Maybe?)...Pet Peeves

Lord help us, I am still doing this 30 day challenge and it's almost September (I started in March)! But I will complete this challenge, so don't worry, it might be next year when it's done!

My Pet Peeves:
1. Thinking you are entitled to something just because you are important in your mind.
2. Super slow drivers and slow people at airports.
3. People who carry a chip on their shoulder.
4. The fact that I am still doing this challenge.
5. American Airlines.

I could go on and on, but I must stop myself. Hopefully, I can do the last 2 days of this, but I am sure it won't be anytime soon.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 27...An original photo of the city I live in..

So I am doing this really quick as time is not on my side right now. Most of you know that I live in Springfield, MO (the home of Brad Pitt, Bass Pro and cashew chicken). If you are interested in it, google it.

3 more days... I can finish this.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 26 (Maybe?)...My dream wedding

This is weird because I was actually thinking about this is on my drive home tonight from work.

My dream wedding would be just me and my groom on the beach in Hawaii. I know, it sounds selfish to not have my parents there, or his family there, but for me simple is better. I want it at sunset, and be super casual. And when it's all said and done come back and party.

I must say that I did have the thought of a nice big church wedding in my hometown, but the thought lasted about 5 seconds in my head and then it was gone. Just the idea of planning a wedding sounds horrible to me. I want things done in an instant. No need for showers, or all that frill...just give me the wedding and let it be over.

It's June and I am still doing this...what was I thinking?....suzannah

Sunday, May 22, 2011

day 25...a picture of your favorite artist or band.

It's May 22...and I AM STILL DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!! NOT GOOD. So, I am keeping it short and simple....we all know who my favorite artist is....Bruce Springsteen. And I am sure you all know what he looks like :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 24-Something I've learned...

The biggest thing that I can think of would have the fact that someone who you never thought could let you down will do it at some point. Second thing I have learned "The course of true love never did run smooth"-William Shakespeare. Third, people can't pick their family so don't judge them by their family. Fourth, patience is something that I am starting to have in my life. Fifth, I will never be the girl that has it all together. My hair is often a mess, my makeup is often messy, my clothes are very rarely ironed.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 23...I can't believe I am stilld doing this...

But I ill not stop before I reach day 30! So today's question-favorite movie?

I have at least 1,000,0000 movies that I like so this hard for me to decide which one is my favorite.....But I am going to go with (drum roll please...)

Steel Magnolias.
